Inclusion and equity


The team from Córdoba, Argentina, won the bronze award in the Local Innovators Program with its initiative that seeks to make digital education accessible.

According to data collected by the municipality of Córdoba in the year 2022, the 3.8% of students Has some type of disability certificate. The vast majority of schools have technology in the classrooms (for example, tablets and computers), but they are not accessible to people with disabilities. 

Faced with this problem, the Córdoba team led by Alicia Olmos, municipal representative, and Gonzalo Nanzer, social representative, decided to combine their knowledge and practices from the third sector and the public to find a solution to this challenge. “Córdoba EduAccesible | Digital ramps” emerged as a team initiative, which combines the creation of sustainable ICT access devices, accompanied by the training for teachers and professionals and the use of said devices in the classroom. 

“One of the things we learned in the program was the importance of systematizing our proposals, of organizing and knowing how to communicate what one enjoys, thinks and wants for their locality,” said Gonzalo Nanzer. 

Final video pitch of the Córdoba team

This is just the beginning of the journey that this team is taking to transform the educational reality of the citizens of Córdoba.

This project was developed between May and November 2023, within the Local Innovators Program that is promoted by AYNI, an initiative made up of the social organizations RIL, Ashoka, Vía Educación and CoLab.   

For more information about the PIL, enter here.

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