Economic opportunities

Junin, Argentina. The gold award in the 2022 Local Innovators Program

In search of greater job opportunities for people with disabilities, the team with the motto “Work for people with disabilities. “I want, I can” received the program's highest distinction. Don't miss his presentation video in this note.

He Local Innovators Program 2022 came to an end, but the transformation in the cities involved is just beginning. After starting the process in April 2022, 61 teams from a dozen Latin American and African countries presented initiatives. Now it is the turn to put into action the transformative power of local unions between social and municipal leaders. 

For six months, 120 social and municipal leaders from 23 countries worked side by side to present their final projects. 

Throughout the program, called this year “Cities of Opportunities,” hundreds of design teams were formed. Multiple networks were generated to collectively understand and change realities, and territories were intensively explored. Thus, solutions were devised and prototyped with the participation of the populations involved. 

Junín, the winning team

The project presented by representatives of Junín (Buenos Aires, Argentina) received the first distinction of the program. Its objective? Generate greater inclusion of people with disabilities in productive and work environments.

“Existen múltiples barreras, pero también las oportunidades (…). Sé que con nuestro proyecto podemos cambiar la vida de muchas personas con discapacidad y a muchas empresas”, plantea Karina Sanchez, in charge of the Directorate of People with Disabilities in this city inhabited by nearly 100,000 people. 

Entendiendo que “el trabajo dignifica”, la líder municipal trabaja en el proyecto de oportunidades  junto con Claudio Garcia, from the Families United Association for Social Inclusion (FUPIS). 

Don't miss his video pitch presentation, where they show the problem and how they plan to address it. In it, you will find the voices of people with different disabilities who were able to access sources of work. Also that of employers who took the step and contributed to greater inclusion in Junín. 


Main photo: Municipality of Junín.

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