AYNI in the magnifying glass

In search of solutions, PIL teams expose the realities they seek to transform

The global initiative, which promotes networks of change in communities in more than 20 countries, invited participating projects to share their problems in a video. Find out about the outstanding participations on the AYNI site.

The creative impulses do not stop in the program Cities of Opportunities 2022, which is already fully living its second half. After a photographic instance, which was crowned by the teams of Blantyre (Malawi) and Formosa (Argentina), the projects were encouraged to present videos that show the social contexts where the adversities that they long to change occur. 

Putting the affected people at the center, this second creative challenge is in line with the final objective of telling the stories and looking for alternatives to transform them. In this sense, the alliance between social entrepreneurs and local leaders who work together to devise proposals for change is enhanced.

This audiovisual instance was executed between August and September 2022, and resulted in two award-winning teams that appealed to emotions and exhibited their realities with impact. The videos still do not fully show the possible solutions designed within the framework of the Cities of Opportunities Program. That stage will come later!

The winning team was Cundinamarca (Colombia), which aims to reverse the situation of informality experienced by the recycling population in the surroundings of Bogotá. 


The second prize went to the Chimaltenango (Guatemala) project, whose objective is to create opportunities in the world of science and technology for young people living in rural areas. 

Also notable were the participations of Córdoba (Argentina) and Blantyre (Malawi). The first deals with the difficulties that people who live in situations of socioeconomic vulnerability have in working with digital tools. The second, about the lack of wastewater treatment in the urban periphery.


2022 is a year full of news for the Cities of Opportunities Program, based on systemic innovation, collaborative work and change networks. You can follow them on AYNI, the new +Comunidad supplement.

Main image: Rural family in Guatemala. Source: CIAT Blog.

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