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The Los Cabos team, located in Santiago, Baja California Sur, Mexico, has been awarded the silver award in the Local Innovators Program for its outstanding tourism initiative. Their project, focused on weaving collaborative tourist circuits, aims to position Los Cabos as the first sustainable tourism destination, with a special focus on local, national and international visitors.

In Baja California Sur, the prioritization of tourism segments oriented to international visitors has left aside the local, alternative tourism and rural communities. The lack of local activities in Santiago represents a risk for community projects.

The project "Promoting Sustainable Tourism in Santiago BCS” has been led by Santiago Landois Álvarez Icaza, deputy director of Environmental Sustainability of IMPLAN Los Cabos, who plays the role of Municipal Leader, and Verónica Castro Rosas, Representative of the Santiago Sustainable Market, assuming the role of Social Leader. The initiative seeks to strengthen the identity and culture of Santiago, preserve its natural wealth and, at the same time, improve the quality of life of its inhabitants. This will be achieved through the generation of a comprehensive registry of local enterprises; the formation of tourist circuits - currently tourist ventures and attractions operate in isolation; the creation of a tourism catalog with strategic information on the ventures and a communication and dissemination strategy for the offer of local activities. 

Video Pitch of the Santiago Sostenible team

The proposal aims to consolidate Santiago as a benchmark in sustainable tourism in Los Cabos, and also aims to contribute to the comprehensive development of the community through collaboration. 

This project arose within the framework of the Local Innovators Program, an initiative that has been training and accompanying local leaders for 7 years in the creation of collective projects with systemic impact in their cities.

For more information about the PIL, enter here.

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