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Recording realities: outstanding productions in the first challenge for communicators

The contents of four projects from different cities in Argentina and Mexico demonstrated a high level of collaboration between the municipal and social sectors.

Capturing moments and generating content is of great importance when transmitting the need to join forces in solving social problems. The first challenge for communicators of the 2023 Local Innovators Program, which consisted of this work, demonstrated that creativity abounds among the different teams. 

Rito Marchiori, Lorena Julio, Jesús Ariel González Montoya and Narella Searchol, communicators from Costa Sacate, Villarino, Los Cabos and Ceres, respectively, stood out in the production of photographs, videos, recordings and journalistic notes on their local topics. Among them are open dumps, the climate crisis, the loss of biodiversity and the housing deficit. Let's see how each of them left their mark.

Costa Sacate (Córdoba, Argentina)

Rito Marchiori decided to capture the reality of the open dump that affects not only Costa Sacate, but also neighboring towns. With his video, he conveys the magnitude of the problem and the urgency of taking measures for adequate management of urban solid waste. Their images have managed to raise awareness in the community and highlight the need for close collaboration between the municipal and social spheres to overcome this challenge.

Villarino (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

The climate crisis and its impacts on local production have been the focus of Lorena Julio. Through his radio note, he has narrated the agricultural and livestock production habits that, according to his vision, exhaust the scarce natural resources in the Villarino district. Furthermore, he has highlighted the importance of knowing and applying sustainable production methods.

Los Cabos (Baja California Sur, Mexico)

In this town, located in the extreme south of its state, the loss of biodiversity in the biological corridor has generated water scarcity and flooding. Jesús Ariel González Montoya used his communication skills to publicize the tourism potential of the town of Santiago as a sustainable destination. With his video, he highlights the need to support local artisans and promote a social economy. Likewise, it emphasizes the importance of sustainable economic activities that align with the culture of Santiago. Their work has highlighted how collaboration can boost conservation and preserve local identity.

Ceres (Santa Fe, Argentina)

In this Santa Fe city, the housing deficit is a problem that affects many families. Narella Buscarol has used different media to capture the reality of those who cannot access decent housing. Their photographs and recordings demonstrate the urgency of seeking solutions and the fundamental role that both the municipal and social spheres play in addressing this challenge. 

Illustrative main image: 

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