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Sustainable habitats


The team from Bamenda, Cameroon won the gold award in the Local Innovators Program with their initiative that seeks to ensure that everyone has access to safe, clean water through better water conservation and management practices.

85% of the population of Bamenda, Cameroon, suffers from water scarcity and the vast majority affected by this problem are women and children.

The initiative "Safe Water for Everythings” led by Tantoh Nforba of the Save Your Future Association (currently transitioning to Farmer Tantoh Foundation) and the team at Bamenda City Council 1, which is one of the three divisions of city councils functioning under the greater Bamenda City Council, has as its main objective supply water to the community.

With this project the team plans to build 12 water wells, plant trees to protect water catchments, hold training workshops to train communities in water conservation (with a special focus on training women) and create management committees of water to maintain hydraulic infrastructure.

“Access to drinking water is a universal human right and no one should be left behind. “Water is life,” said Tantoh Nforba.

Final Pitch Video of the Bamenda team

By ensuring everyone has access to safe, clean water, this project is laying the foundation for a healthier and more inclusive future in Bamenda.

This project was developed between May and November 2023, within the Local Innovators Program that is promoted by AYNI, an initiative made up of the social organizations RIL, Ashoka, Vía Educación and CoLab.   

To learn more about the PIL, enter here.

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