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innovadores destacados

El abandono que sufren las personas mayores no es un problema de una sola región, sino un desafío global. Pero en Chegutu, ciudad de...


Encontrar personas comprometidas y lograr que permanezcan en el tiempo es un gran desafío. En esta Hoja de Ruta, te contamos cómo diseñar un...

innovadores destacados

En Wakiso, Uganda, un grupo de líderes comunitarios encontró una solución para enfrentar la deserción escolar: combatir el hambre en las aulas. Esta iniciativa...


Farmer Tantoh, un referente de nuestra Comunidad de Innovadores Locales, transforma la realidad a través de sus jardines, proyectos de agua potable y educación...

por el equipo de Carcaraña, Argentina

Las integrantes de la Secretaría de Producción, Empleo y Comercio Exterior y las del Área de Vinculación y Desarrollo Tecnológico (Secretaría de Extensión Universitaria...

Community of Local Innovators

En un mundo donde la tecnología avanza estrepitosamente, la accesibilidad digital se vuelve fundamental para conectar a las personas. AYNI, desde la Comunidad de...

PIL 2024

Con profundo dolor despedimos a Nuwabasa Onesmus, un líder cuyo compromiso transformador y dedicación inspiraron a su equipo y comunidad. Su legado de liderazgo...

por Dione Linda Sone, desde la ciudad de Bamusso, Camerún

Pescadores, líderes comunitarios y autoridades trabajan juntos para implementar prácticas de pesca sostenibles, en un esfuerzo por frenar la sobreexplotación de sus recursos marinos...


Un innovador enfoque de gestión sostenible de residuos, desarrollado inicialmente en el marco del Programa de Innovadores Locales (PIL) en la ciudad de Costa...

by Leinyuy Serge Nangsinyuy, from the Bamenda 3 LIP 2024 team

por Leinyuy Serge Nangsinyuy, del equipo Bamenda 3 PIL 2024 La comunidad se reúne para abordar la deforestación en la ciudad de Bamenda y...

AYNI in the magnifying glass

En junio de 2024, Berlín se transformó nuevamente en el epicentro de la innovación pública con el Creative Bureaucracy Festival. Este evento reunió a...

By Muneer Al-Ashmali from the Taiz city.

Descubre los retos de los recolectores de residuos en Taiz, Yemen, contados por Muneer Al-Ashmali, líder de Eco Innovators-Ye.

By Maire Claire, KujaEcoPads, Bamenda, Cameroon

Explorando los desafíos a los que se enfrentan las jóvenes y las mujeres en las comunidades rurales debido a la falta de acceso a...

Información sobre PIL

La secretaria de Planificación y Ambiente de San Salvador de Jujuy destaca el impacto transformador que el PIL ejerce sobre los equipos y sus...

Inclusion and equity

The team from Santiago de Cali, Colombia won the award for best video pitch in the Local Innovators Program with its InnBaVu initiative...

Inclusion and equity

The team from Córdoba, Argentina, won the bronze award in the Local Innovators Program with its initiative that seeks to make education...

Economic opportunities

The Los Cabos team, located in Santiago, Baja California Sur, Mexico, has been awarded the silver award in the Innovators Program...

Sustainable habitats

The team from Bamenda, Cameroon won the gold award in the Local Innovators Program with their initiative that seeks to ensure that everyone has...

Inclusion and equity

Writer and promoter of inclusion: César Olmos participated in the 2023 Local Innovators Program and together with his team created an initiative that...

Inclusion and equity

In Córdoba, Argentina, a team from the Local Innovators Program (PIL) created an initiative to include people with disabilities in digital education.

Inclusion and equity

An innovative initiative that promotes local budget allocation for the most vulnerable groups was co-created between social and local government leaders...

AYNI in the magnifying glass

15 local leaders, both municipal and social, participated in the 2023 Local Facilitators Training, where they delved into collaborative leadership tools and systemic innovation.

Sustainable habitats

The team, made up of Arturo García Jiménez, social leader, and Juana Guzmán Reyna, municipal leader, held meetings with residents of different communities near the...

Inclusion and equity

In Toluca, Mexico, they met with more than 300 parents and teachers to understand in greater depth how their children live and...

Inclusion and equity

The San Salvador de Jujuy team, which participates in the 2023 Local Innovators Program, reflects on the importance of collaboration between...

Desafío comunicadores. Desafío comunicadores.

AYNI in the magnifying glass

The contents of four projects from different cities in Argentina and Mexico demonstrated a high level of collaboration between the municipal sector and the...

Comunicadores. Comunicadores.

AYNI in the magnifying glass

They were incorporated into the teams for the first time in the 2022 edition to give dissemination and visibility to the collaborative work carried out by leaders...

festival innovación festival innovación

AYNI in the magnifying glass

The winning teams of the 2022 edition participated in the Creative Bureaucracy Festival in Berlin, Germany. At the event, people from different countries of the...

AYNI in the magnifying glass

Almost 100 teams are participating in the proposal that unites, trains and accompanies collective projects with impact in Latin American cities.

Junín Junín

Economic opportunities

In search of greater job opportunities for people with disabilities, the team with the motto “Work for people with disabilities. I want I can"...

Lusaka Lusaka

Sustainable habitats

Aiming towards better separation of waste at source and the promotion of composting in schools, the team from the African capital received the...

Economic opportunities

The project obtained third place in this edition of the Local Innovators Program. With a gender focus, its objective is to improve security...

AYNI in the magnifying glass

After half a year of work, the project that seeks to mitigate the effects of frequent floods in the African town presents progress. The team...

desarrollo desarrollo

AYNI in the magnifying glass

In different cities in Africa and Latin America, teams work on mental health in young people, opportunities for older adults, public hygiene...

Economic opportunities

Addressing diverse topics such as labor inclusion, urban integration and the use of agroinputs, municipal leaders and entrepreneurial leaders seek together to improve...

reggio reggio

Economic opportunities

Using innovative techniques, a team of students developed projects to increase citizen participation, especially youth, with the aim of reinforcing...

New and different capabilities

Through different lines of action and with international support, local leaders created a cooperative that aims towards the economic strengthening of the communities where...

AYNI in the magnifying glass

The global initiative, which promotes networks of change in communities in more than 20 countries, invited participating projects to count in a...

Economic opportunities

The project, winner in this video stage, seeks to make urban recyclers visible, based on the recognition of the value of their work and their...

New and different capabilities

The initiative, distinguished for its audiovisual production, focuses on the gap in the quality of education in rural areas of the...

Sustainable habitats

The project, distinguished in this photographic stage, makes visible the barriers that exist to travel on the streets and sidewalks of Formosa.

Sustainable habitats

In this East African city, an alliance between social and municipal leaders seeks adequate wastewater treatment. His photographs were...

AYNI in the magnifying glass

As part of the global initiative that seeks impact solutions in different communities, dozens of projects were encouraged to submit images that describe...

2021 Local Innovators Competition

This town in Bolivia developed a project that manages to combine ancestral knowledge with innovative technology, seeking to improve its productive capacities, increase...

2021 Local Innovators Competition

Between April 25 and 29, 2022, representatives from Bolivia, Argentina and Colombia held meetings in the United States with specialized organizations...

2021 Local Innovators Competition

In the mountains of Caesarea, they devised a project to combat food insecurity and build new social fabrics that have women as protagonists.

AYNI in the magnifying glass

More than 90 active teams, from dozens of countries, come together to positively impact the lives of millions of people....

AYNI in the magnifying glass

The initiative, promoted by Ayni | Communities of Local Innovators, convene 100 cities around the world in 2022 to come up with innovative solutions....

2021 Local Innovators Competition

In this Argentine city they developed a food education program in order to increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables in girls and...